12th Electric Vehicle Production Days(EPT)

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October 23rd – 24th 2024

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Electric Mobility Week

October 21st – 25th, 2024

"Moving quickly toward CO2 neutrality is only possible with an intelligent mix of different technologies."

Seminars during the Electromobility Week

October 21st – 25th, 2024

Important note: The seminars are held in German
21.-22. Oktober 2024
Gebühr: 1350 Euro

Das Seminar Batterieproduktion vermittelt den Teilnehmer:innen einen umfassenden Einblick in die Grundlagen der einzelnen Fertigungsprozesse einer Batterie und die besonderen Anforderungen für den Einsatz in Elektrofahrzeugen. Dazu werden sowohl die Produktionsprozesse der Batteriezelle als auch des Batteriemoduls und -packs detailliert vorgestellt und durch praktische Erfahrungen ergänzt. Es werden dabei auch die Ansätze einer stärkeren Industrialisierung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien in Deutschland diskutiert.

21.-22. Oktober 2024
Gebühr: 1350 Euro

Das Seminar Elektromotorenproduktion vermittelt in dedizierten Themenblöcken ein ganzheitliches Verständnis über Produktionsprozesse für die in der Automobilindustrie gängigen E-Motor-Topologien. Zusätzlich werden in thematischen Tiefenbohrungen zentrale Herausforderungen aus Forschung und Praxis detailliert betrachtet und aufbereitet. Die behandelten Inhalte unterstützen Interessierte aus allen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette bei der Einordnung aktueller Markttrends.

21.-22. Oktober 2024
Gebühr: 1350 Euro

Das Seminar Brennstoffzellenproduktion erklärt die Grundlagen zu Technologien und Prozessen sowie aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Produktion von PEM-Brennstoffzellen für mobile Anwendungen. Angefangen bei der Herstellung der Einzelkomponenten über das Stacking bis hin zur Gesamtsystemmontage wird ein Überblick über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette gegeben. Abgerundet wird das Seminar mit einem Ausblick auf mögliche zukünftige Innovationen in der Produktion sowie zur Schnittstelle der Wasserstoffwirtschaft.

25. Oktober 2024
Gebühr: 790 Euro

Das Seminar Batterieentwicklung und -recycling widmet sich der Ausleuchtung von Strategien zur nachhaltigen Lebensdauerverlängerung und dem Schließen des Batteriekreislaufs, indem es sich auf die aus EU-Regulierungen resultierenden Anforderungen fokussiert und zentrale Herausforderungen sowie Lösungsansätze aus dem Bereich der Batterieentwicklung adressiert.


PROGRAMM | 12th EPT | Day 1 | OCTOBER 23rd, 2024

08.30 AM
Entry & networking
09.00 AM
Welcome to Day 1 of the EPT by Karl Haeusgen, VDMA & Prof. Dr. Heiner Heimes, Member of PEM Institute Management
09.15 AM
Europe as a Production Site – Productivity Leap as the Key to Success
Prof. Dr. Achim Kampker, Director of PEM and Memeber of FFB Management
09.45 AM
Batteries in Trucks – Ideological Idea or Inevitable Move to Decarbonize Transportation? The Daimler Truck Approach.
Dr. Michael Salmen, Daimler Truck AG
10.15 AM
Meet the Partner
10.30 AM
Break & visit of the exhibition
Session I:
Scaled Battery Production
Session II:
Electric Drive Components
Session III:
Fuel Cell System Production
Session IV:
Battery Development in the Production Environment
11.00 AM
Ultra High-Power Li-Ion Round Cells by Optimized Electrical Contacting
Dr. Verena Drews, V4DRIVE Battery GmbH
The Evolution of Winding Wires for Traction Motors
Fabian Radeck & Martin Krupa, Schwering & Hasse Elektrodraht GmbH
Challenges in Elektrolyzer Systems
Andreas Growe, Swagelok Düsseldorf, B.E.S.T. Fluidsysteme GmbH
Battery Safety Breakthrough: The Benefits of Pouch Cells
André Gronke, Farasis Energy Europe GmbH
11.30 AM
Scaling the DRYtraec® – Dry Coating in Battery Production
Dr. Benjamin Schumm, Fraunhofer IWS
Enhancing Electrical Performance with PEEK Coateed Magnet Wires – A Deep Dive into IEC Compliance
Peter Persoone, NV Bekaert SA
Catalyst solutions for the aftertreatment of H2 ICE to reach ultra-low NOx emissions
Dr. Thomas Wolff, Dinex Deutschland GmbH
Smarte Prismatic Cell Housings - Advances in the Field of Passive Cell Components
Dr. Michael Hein, HOERBIGER Antriebstechnik Holding GmbH
12.00 PM
Lunch break & networking
1.00 PM
Volvo Battery Mariestad Operations – A Gigafactory in Planning Stage
Dr. Danfang Chen, Volvo Group
E-Motor Technology Development Strategy for Volatile Requirements and Markets
Dr. Florian Sell-Le Blanc, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Subcooled Liquid Hydrogen (sLH2): Hydrogen Storagen in the Segment of Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles
Florian Respondek, Daimler Truck AG
Thermal Management of Battery-Electric Vehicles – Challenges and Trends
André Loges, MAHLE International GmbH
1.30 PM
High-Throughput Stacking Technology
Dr. Jürgen Heller, Körber AG
Dual-Rotor Radial-Flux Electric Machine with Low Production Cost and High Efficiency
Michael Sommer, DeepDrive GmbH
Market Ramp-up of Mobile Fuel Cells: Framework Conditions and Industry Perspective
Johannes Daum, NOW GmbH
Reduced Order Modeling – Model Simplification Methods for the Thermal Simulation of Battery Systems
Eric Link, Siemens Industry Software GmbH
2.00 PM
CT-Technology in Battery Production
Bernhard Mürkens, VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH
Increased Performance Thanks to a Layered Sheet Stack, Consisting of Ultra-Thin Electrical Sheets
Carina Franken, Wickeder Westfalenstahl GmbH
Die H2 Value Chain for Mobility from the Perspective of E.ON Hydrogen
Tom Schulte, E.ON Hydrogen GmbH
Single-Tab, Multi-Tab oder Tabless – the Best Solution for Small Cylindrical Cell Formats
Kevin Breßler, UniverCell Holding GmbH
2.30 PM
Break & visit of the exhibition
3.00 PM
"Product, Process and Equipment. Teamwork MAtters."
Dr. André Mecklenburg, PowerCo SE
3.30 PM
The BMW Group is Getting Ready for the Neue Klasse Worldwide.
Dr. Markus Fallböhmer, BMW Group
4.00 PM

Northvolt Drei - building a german lighthouse factory
Nils Wulfes, Northvolt Drei Project GmbH
4.30 PM

Transfer Eurogress – Avantis
5.15 PM
Innovation tours
7.00 PM
Award ceremony & get-together wth dinner

PROGRAMM | 12th EPT | DAY 2 | OCTOBER 24th, 2024

09.00 AM
Entry & networking
09.00 AM
Welcome to Day 2 of the EPT by Hildegard Müller, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
09.15 AM
The Battery Cell Factory of the Future – Innovative Approaches
Prof. Dr. Achim Kampker, Director of PEM and Memeber of FFB Management & Andreas Gröger, Siemens AG
09.45 AM
Key Factors for the Safe Launch of Automotive Traction Drives
Dr. Guntram Haas, MAHLE GmbH
10.15 AM
Meet the Partners
10.30 AM
Break & visit of the exhibition
Session V:
Innovationen in Battery Production
Session VI:
Electric Drive Production
Session VII:
Fuel Cell Component Production
Session VIII:
Battery Raw Materials and Recycling
11.00 AM
Laser Technology for Battery Manufacturing Today and Beyond
Johannes Bührle, Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik AG
Automated Processing of Different Wire Dimensions when Bending Hairpins
Dr. Uwe-Peter Weigmann, Wafios AG
Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer: From Loose Seals to Integrated High-Volume Series
Dr. Alexander Hähnel, Freudenberg FST GmbH
Foil Development – from Pharmaceutical Packaging to Battery Foil
Dr. Matthias Hofinger, Constantia Flexibles International GmbH
11.30 AM
Fully Automated Stator Production with Innovative Insulation Solutions
Nico Langberg, Schaeffler ELMOTEC STATOMAT GmbH &
Peter Babatz, SynFlex Elektro GmbH
Carbon Fibre BPP Industrialization: Comparison with Other BPP State-of-the-Art Technologies
Ludovic Barbès, HYCCO
Second Life – how Battery Modules can be Integrated into a Battery Storage System (BSS) at Different States of Health
Fabian Cordes, Encore DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH
12.00 PM
Lunch break & networking
1.00 PM
How to Find the Fly in the Ointment: why Battery Inspection is Crucial for Reliable Products
Dr. Alexander Gitis, Safion GmbH
Innovative Winding Technologies for Electric Motor Production
Dr. Wilhelm Hackmann, Vitesco Technologies Group AG
Industrialization of Fuel Cell Technology – Success Factors in Product Development
Dr. Jürgen Kraft, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH
Battrery Lifecycle Management - Enabling Circularity through Preventive Analysis and Intelligent Networking
Marius Vogt, Circunomics GmbH
1.30 PM
Plasma-Printed Electrodes
Alex Koszo, Nanoloy BV
Revolutionary Stator and Rotor Production
Thomas Stäuble, SWD AG Stator- und Rotortechnik
Testing in Fuel Cell/Electrolyzer Production – are We Taking a a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut?
Stefan Fuchs, thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering GmbH
The EU Recycling Market – A Viable and Sustainable Business
Dr. Philipp Rose & Dr. Jörn Neuhausen, PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH
2.00 PM
Industrial Bonding Solutions for Cells, Modules and Packs
Dr. Marius Böhmer, Tesa SE
Quality Control in Stator Production: Contactless Measurement of Pole and Creepage Distance
Jan Treede, Feinwerktechnik Otto Harrandt GmbH
The Mobile Fuel Cell – Component Production and Value Stream Design in the Context of Transformation
Dr. Andreas Gehrold, Robert Bosch GmbH
Webasto: Chasing for the “Greenest Battery”
Martin Svigir, Webasto SE
2.30 PM
Break & visit of the exhibition
3.00 PM
Germany´s Battery Production in Global Competition – Hard Shoulders or Fast Lane?
Dr. Alexander Timmer, Berylls Strategy Advisors GmbH & Christoph Lienemann, PEM Motion GmbH
3.30 PM

eMobility as an Innovative Game Changer for Production Technology and Special Equipment Suppliers
Andreas Frede, Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH
4.00 PM

Zero-Emission Trucks – Ways to Decarbonize the Long Haul
Fabian Schmitt, PEM der RWTH Aachen
4.30 PM
Electrolyzer Production Enabling Worldwide Sustainable Hydrogen Economy
Stefanie Peters, NEUMAN & ESSER Verwaltungs- u. Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
5.00 PM


Get your ticket for the 12th Electric Vehicle Production Days here (EPT)!

Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received. If the registration is cancelled up to one week before the event, 100 euros will be charged for administrative expenses. Otherwise the full participation fee will be charged. Please pay only after receipt of the invoice.

The regular participation fee is 1350 euros.

Electric Mobility Week

12th Electric Vehicle Production Days (EPT)

Conference | Exhibition | Seminars
October 21st -25th, 2024

Hotel room reservations can be made here:

Review 2023

A diverse audience: around 260 interested parties from various branches and areas of electric vehicle production gathered at the 11th EPT in Aachen to exchange information and discuss current challenges. Picture: blende-0 | Kurt Beyer

EPT 2023: Industry Discusses Challenges and Solutions

Around 260 participants from research and industry exchanged views on challenges and trends in the field of batteries, fuel cells, and electric motors during this year’s Electric Mobility Week and the eleventh edition of the renowned Electric Vehicle Production Days (EPT) in Aachen. At the event, which was organized by the Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM) of RWTH Aachen University together with Campus Forum and the ‘Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB’, numerous companies had also presented innovations in themed sessions and at an accompanying trade fair.

“There were controversial discussions among leading suppliers about new process alternatives in the production of electric vehicle drives – and the realization that the development of new production processes for a functioning circular economy ultimately determines the success of electric mobility,” says PEM Director Professor Achim Kampker. Meanwhile, in the area of fuel cell production, the latest developments in Germany and the Netherlands in particular are said to be encouraging in order to hold Europe’s own against the Asian market in global competition. Particularly at the process level, there is still technical and economic potential that can be exploited. Furthermore, the industry was critical of the EU Commission’s plans to almost completely ban perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which would severely set back research into fuel cell components.

Among battery producers, however, sustainability and energy efficiency are emerging as the dominant aspects. “These are the key issues for the industry throughout Europe,” says Professor Heiner Heimes, member of PEM institute management. “It is getting clear that Europe is not sleeping. Many proclamations made by battery producers a year ago have already been implemented or are well on their way.” With the EPT event, PEM aims to enable the industry, from plant engineering to users, to share expertise and knowledge and promote technological progress. “The success of electric vehicle production and the domestic manufacture of its components is closely linked to the know-how that the companies are building up,” Heimes says.

In PEM’s seminars held during the “Electric Mobility Week” before and after the EPT, 117 professionals and managers had received further training on various components of the electric drive system, acquiring industry and research knowledge in the process. This time, particular interest was focused on battery production, digitization in production, and electric motor manufacturing. Other topics relevant to industry included fuel cell production, battery safety and simulation as well as battery cycle management and raw material production.

Event location

12th Electric Vehicle Production Days

Eurogress Aachen
Monheimsallee 48
52062 Aachen

Seminars of the Electric Mobility Week

PEM der RWTH Aachen
Avantis | Bohr 12
52074 Aachen

Campus Forum GmbH
Aditec | Steinbachstr. 25
52074 Aachen

Steinbachstraße 19
52074 Aachen



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Campus Forum GmbH

Dolores Gasparovic, M.A.
Project Management Further Education & Industrial Fair
Steinbachstr. 25
52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 80 263 12
E-Mail: d.gasparovic@campusforum.de 
Web:    www.campusforum.de

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Campus Forum GmbH

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The following general company terms and conditions apply to all contractual conditions between participants and continuing education organisations offering for example; seminars, symposiums or day conferences, as well as the Campus Forum GmbH.

Registration / Registration Confirmation

Registration for any continuing further educational events can be done online, by E-mail, post or telephone (only reservations). The registration is first confirmed and legally binding upon reciept of confirmation in writing per post from the Campus Forum GmbH. Upon registrations by consulting companies and competing institutions, we reserve the right to investigate on the degree of business competition with any partners involved with the event and to deny the participation or cancel the registration on these grounds.
To every legally binding registration applies all underlying general terms and conditions.


The participation fee is upon reciept of the invoice, and without any deductions, to be immediately paid. The cost of service charges is the responsibility of the participant and to be paid in full. By nonsucessful payment, the Campus Forum GmbH withholds the right to cancel and transfer the placement to another party. By late payment, the Campus Forum GmbH is entitled to apply an additional interest of 5% over the base interest rate (§247 Abs. 1 BGB) per annum.
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The participant has the right to cancel. A cancellation may occur within one week of registration, and registration begins immediately with reciept of written registration (online, E-mail, post or fax). A cancellation within the one week period requires no explanation and must be submitted immediately in writing. The cancellation policy is no longer applicable once the conference has started and the participant is in attendance. Independent of the cancellation policy, the participant has the right to name a substitute participant to take their place at the conference. After the cancellation expiry date, no further cancellations are possible and the full participant fee will be invoiced. If a cancellation is made one week before the beginning of the conference, the participant fee will be reduced to 100,-Euros.

Cancellation or Program changes by the Conference Organiser

Campus Forum GmbH withholds the right to cancel conferences. The participants will immediately be informed (by telephone and in writing) of any change of program or cancellation.

The Campus Forum GmbH will offer if possible the participants an alternative conference place or date if necessary. If the participant agrees, the change is free of charge. If however the participant does not agree, the full applicable conference fees will be reimbursed. Further changes and demands are not included, as is incurred travel and accomodation charges, as well as working days lost, will not be reimbursed.

Campus Forum GmbH reserves the right to allow for changes to the organisation, changes to personnel or invited speakers, or changes to the scheduling of the conference which have no fundamental influence on the final character of the conference.

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Every participant receives a participation certificate upon personal request to the Campus Forum GmbH.


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The event will be held with an accompanying industrial exhibition as specified by the organiser. The event will take place on the dates and at the premises or digitally as noted in the partnership / sponsorship / exhibition agreement.
The general technical regulations of the event hall or the organiser for digital events apply. If subcontracting exists for the implementation of the industrial exhibition, this will be noted in the partnership / sponsorship / exhibition contract.
The organiser has transferred the organisation and invoicing to Campus Forum at RWTH Aachen University.

Registration requirements:

The application for participation is made by means of a partnership / sponsorship / exhibition contract, which must be completed, signed with legally binding effect and submitted to Campus Forum at RWTH Aachen University.
By concluding the contract, the partner / sponsor / exhibitor accepts the exhibition conditions of the organiser in all parts.

Stand space rental at in-person events:

The partner / sponsor / exhibitor will receive a confirmation after acceptance of his registration. If the event is an in-person event, the following applies: The exact stand space allocation will be made by the organiser at a later date.
The allocated stand space may be adapted in front and depth to the local building regulations. Stand spaces will be allocated on the basis of the chronological order of registrations. Any transfer, even partial, of the rights arising from the admission to third parties requires the written approval of the organiser. The organiser is entitled to change the location and size of a stand area, even at short notice, if this is necessary due to legal or official regulations in connection with the corona pandemic.

Termination of contract / cancellation:

The booking is binding through the signing of the registration form by the partner / sponsor / exhibitor and confirmation by the organiser.

Cancellation by the partner / sponsor / exhibitor

Cancellation by the partner / sponsor / exhibitor of this contract is only possible by written notice of cancellation. If the partner / sponsor / exhibitor withdraws from the contract, it shall still be obliged to make payment:

  • For a cancellation up to 6 months before the event date 20% of the contract sum.
  • For a cancellation up to 3 months before the event date 50% of the contract sum.
  • For a cancellation up to 6 weeks before the event date 80% of the contract sum.
  • For cancellations 6 weeks or more before the event, 100% of the contract sum.
Cancellation by the organiser

The organiser bears the economic risk of the event: The organiser therefore reserves the right to cancel the event at least 6 weeks before the scheduled date. Payments already made to the organiser will be refunded.

Terms of payment:

The partner / sponsor / exhibitor is obliged to transfer the full contract sum by the date specified on the invoice at the latest. If the invoice is not paid or not paid in full, the organiser is entitled to deny the partner / sponsor / exhibitor access to his stand area / access to the digital event at the beginning of the set-up. In the event of late payment, interest on arrears shall be payable at a rate of 2% above the respective discount rate of the Bundesbank.

Liability and insurance:

The organiser accepts no liability for any damage, loss to partner / sponsor / exhibitor owned or hired property. This also applies to damage to persons caused by the partner / sponsor / exhibitor or his staff, even if the partner / sponsor / exhibitor or his auxiliary persons are not at fault. Each partner/sponsor/exhibitor is recommended to take out insurance against the usual insurable risks such as theft, fire and transport of exhibition goods. The partner / sponsor / exhibitor is liable for damage caused, for example, by painting or sticking parts of the hall, adhesive residue on the hall floor, nailing or drilling into floors, walls or ceilings. Any additional cleaning or repairs caused by unsuitable material shall be borne by the partner/sponsor/exhibitor concerned.

Stand design and limitation of measures:

The partner / sponsor / exhibitor is only permitted to advertise their own company within the scope of the contractually agreed services. Additional marketing and advertising measures during the event require a written agreement and are generally additional services subject to a charge, which require the consent of the organiser. In the case of presence events, the presentation on the exhibition area can only take place in the form of a stand, which the partner / sponsor / exhibitor is obliged to adhere to.

Handling of the event premises during in-person events:

Walls, floors, pillars and other furnishings must be treated with care and may not be pasted over, nailed, painted or covered with double-sided adhesive tape. The use of flame-retardant material (B1) for stand construction and decoration is obligatory. Proof of this must be provided to the fire authorities if necessary. The use of open fire or light, e.g. spirit, heating oil or gas etc. is prohibited. Fire alarms, hydrants, electrical distributors, switchboards and telephone distributors must remain freely accessible. Empties must be disposed of by the stand personnel and may not be deposited or left in the aisles. Storage during the conference is not possible. Should it become necessary for the organiser to dispose of partner / sponsor / exhibitor materials, € 3 per m² of disposal material will be charged. In the event of extraordinary use by the partner / sponsor / exhibitor, the partner / sponsor / exhibitor may be charged for electricity connection / power consumption / cleaning / telecommunications costs.


The right to provide catering is the responsibility of the organiser. The serving of own / brought-in food, drinks, etc. is generally not permitted and only possible in agreement with the organiser.

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Campus Forum GmbH
Steinbachstraße 25
52074 Aachen
Telefon +49 (0)241 80- 20407

Managing Directors:

Dr. phil. Kirstin Marso-Walbeck, Dr. rer. soc. Nina Sauermann

Commercial Register:
Registered in the Commercial Register at the Local Court Aachen under the registration number HRB 20449
Registered with the Aachen Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)
Theaterstr. 6-10, 52062 Aachen




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